What I'm learning
I'm learning some html and css to make this website!
I also plan to continue learning to use Godot and blender and I might also try
to make something in Unity, as it's still a very popular engine.
What I'm working on
Nothing really atm but i want to try participating in a game jam
sometime soon.
I haven't really started working on it yet but i thought of a game idea and it
seems like it should be possible to create with godot. I think this time i might
try making a game document before starting work and hopefully it will help me organize
my work.
What I'm playing
I recently started playing Armored Core 2. I already finished
Armored Core and Armored Core 3, so I'm already pretty familiar with the gameplay.
I'm really enjoying it! Here's what my AC looks like atm
Well it seems like my PSP memory card got corrupted and i lost my armored core 3 saves :(
It really sucks
I've also been playing Silent Line and yeah it's really good but some of the missions are
What I'm reading
I finished reading 'Doom Guy', John Romero's autobiography. I enjoyed it, it provided some intersting
context after reading 'Masters of Doom'. I found the part about Ion Storm especially inteesting. I hope
Romero's new game doesn't share Blackroom's fate and actually gets made.
I also started reading "The Lazarus Heist" by Geoff White. It's a book about North Korean hackers.
I really had no idea about any of this, so it's super interesting
What I'm watching
I went to see "Mars Express"
What I'm listening to
Porter Robinson's new album is pretty good i think.